Price 80€/person.
The event will take place outdoors only.
When booking please add to the note the name/surname of all of the participants and include, eventually, the name of other guests you would seat closeby
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If you want to enjoy this special evening up to the very last minute, without worrying about driving home, book one of our rooms from our website directly.
If you want to spend a full weekend at Pieve de’ Pitti, use the coupon #CENAINVIGNA2023 to get a 10% discount (2-night stay minimum)
For any other question, find below the FAQ of Cena in Vigna, providing answers to more frequent questions.
If you still have doubts, email us to a or send a whatsapp message to +39.0587.635724
Please rememebr to book before September 5th,2023
Event is fully booked already